Full text: Central-Blatt für das Deutsche Reich. Achter Jahrgang. 1880. (8)

                                           — 121 — 
Blanks to be filled by the despatching Exchange Office of New Vork. 
Current Number Date Amount 
inter- of of Post Office of the order Remarks. 
. .. .. issuing in German 
national original original 8 mone 
number. order. order. original order. J. 
Mks. Pfs. 
Money Order Office. 
Cologne, Germany 188. 
have exNamined the within List, Nr. dated 188 and the 
international money orders belonging to it, amounting in the aggregate to Mks. 
Pfs. I have found said List correct, with the following exceptions. 
(Indicate here, the errors in the List, should any be discovered, and the corretions 
thereof, if any are made.) 
Director of Posts. 
To the Postmaster 
of the Money Order Exchange Office 
at New Tork, N. T7.

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