Full text: Central-Blatt für das Deutsche Reich. Achter Jahrgang. 1880. (8)

                                                  — 124 — 
To the credit of the German Office. To the credit of the United States Office. 
Mks. Pfs. Dolls. Cts. 
Amount of orders issued in the United Amount of orders issued in Germany 
States . ... 
Amount of commission dus Germany Amount of commission due the United 
at ¾ per cent of the above amount States at ¾ per cent of the above 
amount ...... 
United States credit to be deducted German Credit to be deducted 
Dolls. Cts. Mks. Pfs. 
(To be converted at the average rate (To be converted at the average rate 
of exchange in New Vork during the of exchange in Hamburg during tbe 
duarter to which tbis account apper- 1 duarter to which this account apper- 
tains. See Art. 11 of the Convention tains. See Art. 11 of the Convention 
of 9 r. October 1879.) of 9 . October 1879.) 
Balance to the credit of German Office Balance to the credit of the United 
States Office 
Paid on account by the Office of the Paid on accouut by the Office of Ger- 
United States many 
Dates: Amounts. 1 Dates: Amounts. 
Mks.] Pfs. " Dolls. Cts. 
Balance remaining. Balance remaining. 
The within account exhibits a total balance of which akter deduction 
of the payments on account, as therein stated, leaves a balance remaining ol 
due tte Office. 
Berlin, 188.. 
The above statement of account is accepted with a balance of due 
the Office. 
Washington, 188. 
Auditor of the Treasury for the Post Office 

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