Full text: Wilhelm der Siegreiche.

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situation of the French was quite hopeless and only presented 
the alternatives of taking refuge in Belgium or of a desperate 
dash westwards for Mézières. The king viewed the battle 
of September 1, 1870, from the top of the hill of Frénois, just 
S. of Donchery. 
vollständig umzingelt: on the E. and SE. the army of 
the Kronprinz von Sachsen; on the S. the Kronprinz von 
Preussen, ready to swing round to the W.; the sth and ruthb 
Armee-Corps and the Garde completed the ring W. and 
NW. to the Belgian frontier. 
Bedrängnis, pl. —sso: one of the few (18) fem. in 
-nis, it= straits’; das Drangsal= calamity and der 
Jammer= woe. 
da es mir nieder: in French: 
Monsieur mon frere! 
N’ayam pas pu mourir au milien de mes troupes, 
il ne me reste du'd remettre mon 6pee entre les mains de 
votre Majesté. 
Je suis de votre Majesté le bon frere, 
NAPOLEON. —Sedan, le 2 sept. 1870. 
übereinandergelegen, to superpose'’; similarly überein- 
anderschlagen to cross (the legs) fold (the arms).“ 
der so jäh . Franzosenkaiser: see note, p. 2 I. 21. 
was verschuldet, how Napoleon I. had wronged bis 
late parents in his days at Tilsit.“ 
Tilsit (see note, p. r 1. 2) der Oheim: Napoleon I. 
ia, certainly'; see note, p. 3 1 24. 
Wilhelmshöhe: a rocpya#l residence about three miles from 
Kassel, beautifully situated in an extensive park. Here 
Napoleon remained from September 1870 to April 187x1, 
when he moved to Chiselhurst near London. He died 
there January 1873. 
übergeführt, transported,' where über has an ach. force, 
across’“; in which sense and when meaning cverflowing 
—die Augen liefen (gehen) ihm über tears started to his 
eyes —it forms separable verbs. Cf. its inseparable force im 
man überführt ihn eines Verbrechens he is convicted of 
a crime. There are only a few separable compounds of 
über; see note, p. 8 I. 15. 
in alle Welt, into all the world’ to all people. All is 
generally used in the plur., while ganz and jeder are 
employed in the sing. All can, however, as here, be used 
in the sing. with abstracts in tbe sense of a high degree of: 
das macht ihm alle Ehre (°honour’); in aller Eile

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