Full text: Wilhelm der Siegreiche.

Aa%#e. —This Appendix gives the primarr and ordinary meanings of words, 
and therefore does not in every case supply the best word to be used in the 
translation of the tezt. 
Some words and phrases are intentionally inserted several times. 
It is suggested that tbe Pphrases should be said in different perso#s and tenses, 
to insure Variety and pracktice. 
All nouns to be given with the definite and indefinite article to show the gender. 
Abbreviation. -sg. “something.“ 
Page wonps wonbs PHRASES 
1 the capital Prussia he expects my arrival 
the kingaom mocdest it is his fault 
the flag haughty io make peace 
2 the king simultanecusly to insist on one's demand 
to answer the spectator Punctually at noon 
to make a mis- 
to ring the bells 
3 royal the window lo lay the table (orad Sanguck) 
Peculiar the eyre to be brilliantly lighted 
the noise the answer lime is a balsam for all wounds, 
4 the pride sometimes on his accession 
excellent the arm-chair ic take no notice of some one 
the advantage meanwhile to become a little disconcerted 
5 the providence negligent to be clear-heade.1 
the pain the cheek to nod approvingir 
distinguished cultured to havc no hesitation im. 
6 to deserre the table-ware from this day (onward) 
to save (money) the watch to lose a great deal of monery 
the war-tar. to obserre lio be gocd (orchkriir:) 
to train (#) 
to admire 
the recreation 
the meadow 
he is not to know it 
io make an excursion 
the general unceasingir to possess àa country--house 
8 the interruption to start. depart to be of opinion that 
dangerous to breathe to fear the worst 
the presentiment 
to whisper 
to inform seme one of sg.

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