1. 2. des damals recht kleinen Königreiches Preußen:
bF the Treaty of Tilsit July 9, 1807) Xapoleon I. and
Alexander of Russia had agreed that Prussia, for daring to
engage in war against France, should forfeit all its territery
W. of the Elbe and its share of Poland, i.e. nearly the half
#f its total extent. W. of tne Elbe Napoleon set up the
kingdom of Westphalia under his brother Jérôme.
„ 10. Königsberg: an outpost fortress of the first rank (ersten
Ranges) on ihe Pregel in the extreme NE. of Prussia.
Here in r7o1 Kurfürst Friedrich III. assumed the royal
title for himself and his heirs.
„ 12. überzogen and (next line) unterlegen (p.p. of unter-
liegen): ihe vrerbs compounded with these prefixes and
with durch and um require careful stud#, as they are
separable or inseparable according to their meaning and
use. As Some guide to deciding this point u marx be
broadly stated that they are separable when used literallr
and imtransitirely, and inseparable when used figuratively
and transitively, e.L. —
er zieht über nach Leipzig be mores to Leipzig.
der Himmel überzieht sich mit Wolken the sky is
getting overcast.-
er läßt uns unter he gives us shelter.
er unterläßt nichts he omits nothing.
The five principal eporotles with unter are: —
(1) untergehen to sink“" set’ (as the sun), Derish.
(2) unterbringen #to find accommodation o a berth for.
(3) unterkommen to find shelter.“
(4) unterstehen to stand under.-
(5) unterschieben 10 push under.“