Full text: Wilhelm der Siegreiche.

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Kstompanie varies srom sin peace) roo to (in time of war) 250 
men uncler the command of a Hauptmann. 
19. 9. bekanntlich, as is well known similar useful words are 
hoffentlich it is to be hoped’; vermuteich, mutmaßlich as 
may be supposed“ presumably’. See note, p. S l. 6. 
„ 10. einer Provinz: each State is divided into Provinzen 
(Prussia has 11) with an Oberpräsident at the bead of each; 
each Provinz into Regierungsbezirke, ruled by a Regierungs- 
präsident; each Regierungsbezirk into Kreise with their 
Landräte as government offiials. . 
following fe: die Infanterie, die Kavalleric, die Artillerie, 
die Pioniere, der Train. 
„„ 12. so hochangesehen .. Volke is a compound sentence 
Consisting of (1) a dependent. (2) a principal clause, each 
introduced by so and instituting a comparison of eduality. 
Translate the last clausc first, he was as much belored 
among the Germans as he was respectecch . 
ja: with force of nay'’; #nay famed.' 
„ 13. über hinaus is a prep. combination = up to and. 
, 14. beim: not by, Wwhich would be von, but with“ among.- 
Bei seldom translates Dy,’ except in bei Tag, bei Nacht, 
bei der Hand nehmen, beim Himmel schwören, bei weitem. 
„ 16. sich vermählen mit, to espouse, is used of exralted 
personages. The ordinary Nord is sich verheiraten; to 
give in marriage (Fr. g0°5c)) is verheiraten + acc.; 
whereas heiraten ### .acc. or sich verheiraten mit T+ dat. is 
used of the bride or bridegroom and = Joueto take in 
marriage’; trauen to unite in marriage'’ is used of the 
clergyman (Pfarrer). 
„ 18. Maria Luise . Weimar: bis Founger brother Charles 
had in 1828 wedded a daughter of the Grand Duke of 
Weimar, and a younger sister had come with the bride and 
found farour. Their nuptials (die Hochzeit) took place on 
June 11, 1820. Wilhelm was thirty-two, his bride eighteen. 
Braut: so called from the formal engagement (Verlobuno 
til the wedding. Bridc’= die junge Frau. 
„„ 24. das einfache Palais (Palast): this New Palace on the 
Linden was to be their Berlin residence during all the years 
of their Ilong wedded life, for Wilhelm, when he came to fhe 
throne, declined to remove. (Forbes.)

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