Full text: Regierungs-Blatt für das Großherzogthum Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach auf das Jahr 1889. (73)

Bei vierteljährlicher Reutenzahlung und Verzinsung zu 4/. 
" wei einer inbrtick= Tilgunsg von 
5 — « 
*“ " 1% 2 % 3 % 4 % 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% 
l) l 
11 3 (62.624 440 3744%%% % 2%62 1% 8,873 33350 
4 8333 48,867 34,258 23, 303 14,779 7,961 25383 
2½ 16 4% 436 H% 7,041 L/107 
2 68,J04 47840%32,2 2b,101 66 0 
3 20,78 5,172 
1 68,075 670 20, SS8 % 4224 
167,.756 46.259 30,905 90 3,266 
?2 67,433 45,722 30, 214484 r“ml 2,200 
3 67,108 45,17929,516 17,770 8,631 1,322 
4 5660790 4 353 
41 166,4464477 16, 118 6,795 
2 S6.i111 43,518 27.380 5,862; 
3565,772 42,953 20,654 14½ 
4 65,430 42,383 25,920 13,575 3%1½ 
15 165,084 41,806 25,179 12,711 30010 
2 64,735 4s,224 2,040 
3 64,382 40,637/23,676 10,957 1006 
44 066 O07. 
1% 163,666 39,443 22,141 9,067 1 "% 
2463, 303 38,838 21,363 82258 
362,936 38,226520,576 J,341 « 
l7.162,191!36,98518,9805,479 . 
261,81336,35418,1704,533 . 
i8 4 61,045 35,0756525 2,615 « ; 
160,65634,42615,6901,64t - . 
?6026233,77014,8470,657 , 
46% 5,464 32439 13, 136 . 
15905831,763 12,267 
2 58,649 31,08110 . 
57,.396 28,9938,705 . | 
2 56,970 28,28701 W4 
3 56.5239| 27,5656,S70 . 
21 56, ios 26.,841 5,838 1 
55.666 26,10 4,908 
2 55,222 25.371 40048 
3 54,775| 24, 624 3 
48. 322 23,871, 119 # 

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