Full text: Regierungs-Blatt für das Großherzogthum Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach auf das Jahr 1889. (73)

Bei halbjährlicher Rentenzahlung und Verzinsung zu 4%. 
“- Bei einer jährlichen Tilgung von 
* *ß 
à 1% 2% 3 % 4% 5% 6% 7% S % 10 
1 140,000 33,333 28,571 25,000 22,222 20,000 i8, i82 16,667 15, 385 14, 286 
2 39,800 33,000 28,143 24,500 21,667 198,400 117 545 16, 8 14,692 13,571 
2 1 39,596 32,660 27,706 23,990 21, 100 18,788 16,896 15,320 13,9862,813 
2 39,388 32,313 27,26003, 410 522 ,4 16.234 « I4,626 13,26612,l(10 
3 1 139,176 31,960 26,805 22,939 19,932 17,527 15, 559 13,919 12,5311.342 
2 38,959 31,599 26,3412,308 19,33116,878 4,870/ 3.1971,782 10,509 
4 1 38,738 31,23125,868 21,846 is, 718 16,215 14, 168 12,461 11017 9,780 
2 /38,513 30,356 25,385421,28318,092 15,6393, 451 11, 11 10,2388 
5 1 88,28330,4734,89320,709 17,1544,850 720 10,945 0#,443155 
2 38,049 30,082 21,3910, 123 O „„ 10,164 8.0314 3i8 
6 17,810 29,6843,8 9, 525 16, 139 30 511,2 14 9,367 7,8016,65 
2837,566 29,278 23,356 1,96 299 10, 138, 8,554 6,960 594 
7 17,318 28,86322,82318,294 11,953 ’ 7,725 6,009% 700 
2 3837,064 28,44022, 1280 17,660 14,0607/1, 19258, 6,880 5,223800 
8 136,805 28,009 21,725 17,013 13,3480, 4168„% 6,01744, 326 2876 
2 856,541¼27,5691, 1660 ,353 6G 5 % 2 48323 
9 186,272 27, 121 20, 53 11867 4241% 
2 35,998 26,663 18,995 14,994 11,104 7,993 5,447 3,325 15,530 
io 16565.718 26, 1866 39% 2736C½2567 
2 35,432 25,720 18.783 13,580 0, 33 6,.206 3.,.6474 
11 1685,1415,235 S S, 42 2½ 0,469 
2 84,843 79% 30 % 
12 184,.54024,2341 ,8722 11,355%%663 6 10 
2 84,231 23,719 16, 200 /10, 578) 6,197 2,693 
13 1ä83,916| 23,193 1, 534 2 10 747 
2 833,59422,657|14,8444 0, 782 
14 1! 33, 26622,110 14,14 6 5 3,516 
2 832,93121,552 2½7 
15 1 32,5900 20,983 922474 
232,24220, 403r 5 04 0,671 
16 1|8,.886 1 11,185 4 716 
2 81,5244 3,810 
17 11.15592 9,617 2,886 
2 30,778/17,963 8,800% 
18 130,393 17,323 7,986 0,983 
2 30,00 16,669 7 14503 
19 129,6016,0026, 288 
2 29,193 15,323 5,414 
20 1 28,77714 6291522 
228,353 92[2 3,613 
21 127,920 13,200 2,685 
224,478 644 

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