Full text: Reichs-Gesetzblatt. 1907. (41)

— 349 — 
of the 
German Articles. Rete of duty: 
tariss. Alarle per 100 kilos. 
per 100 kilos 
gross weighr. 
ex 742 Bull’s-epe glsss . . . . . . .. 12 
758Glass pendants for chandeliers; glass buttons; all these colored or per 100 kilos 
not, with loops or 1eee . .. .. . ... 12 
Note. Tainted, gilt or silrered glass buttons pay duty under 
No. 763 
759 Small glass plates, glass beads, bugles, and scales, even if strung 
on thread only for purposes of packing and transmission; glass 
drops (glass tears, Prince Rupert's drops): small glass balls 
(massive glass drops): 
white or coloeee 2 
Painted, gilt or silvereeeo . ... .. ... 15 
760 Glass pastes containing lead or not; artificial gems, and glass 
corals, not mounted, even if strung on thread only for purposes 
of packing and transmission: 
glass Pastes and artificial gem. 20 
glass corss . .. . . .. 15 
worked (ground etcch)) .. . . . .. 25 
7636lass not otherwise mentioned in the general tariff, molded, 
stamped, ground, polished, smoothed, cut, etched, figured, or 
not; glass threads and spun glass: 
not colored nor obaauhhnn 12 
colored or opbaauuaurrmmmmmmmm . ... . . ... 15 
Painted, gilt or silvered, figured or not by the application 
or burning in of colrs 20 

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