Full text: Reichs-Gesetzblatt. 1907. (41)

of the 
(erman Articles. Kate ol dut): 
baris. Marts per 100 küos. 
cx 51%0ranges, frsssssss . .. . . . . ... ........... 3,25 
ex 59 Jjuices of fruits Obstl (except of gräpe). not fermented. not containing 
ether or alcohol, not boiled (lown, or loiled deown without the 
addition of sugar, sterilized or tttt4# . . . .. 4 
(74 to 76). Timber lor building and industrial purposcs, not- 
"#Daratelr mentioned in the gencral tarifl: 
74ugh or merelz cut across with the aJ or saw, with or without the bark: 
hard ######§§-AA65666v or por cubie meter 
pPer 100 kilos 
softtt::. . . .. 
or per cubic meter 
75 hewn longitudinally or otherwise prepared or cut up with the ax; 
also shavings produced Hy rending and shavings intended for 
the clarification of liquids produced otherwise than by rending: per 100 Kilos 
hard 0,24 
.............................................. ouwcnbicmmk 
or peor cubie meter 
76 Sawn longitudinally or otherwise prepared, not planed: 
Der 100 kilos 
or per cubic meter 

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