Full text: Reichs-Gesetzblatt. 1907. (41)

os the · Rate os dutv: 
German Articles. ate al duty: 
tarill. Aarks per 100 kilos 
(er 100 to 107). lü#R stock: ber 101 kilos live 
weig it 
1048eennnnnnn... . . ... . . . . .. 
105 atstst... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. free 
per 100 kilos lire 
106 Hogs . . .. . . . . . . . .. 9 
107 Poultry: 
geose..........................·.................... free 
er 100 Eilos nei 
lowls of all kinds and other pounlry. 
10eat, except bacon, and edihle entrails of animals. except those 
of Doultry: 
fresh or chilleeie..... . . .. 
lroen . . . . .. 
Note. llogs. Cut up, inclnding tle bacon alhering thereto, are 
dutiable al the conventional rate of 35 Marks. 
simply Drelmred 
Drepared 1or the table 
I. Slaughtered animals., lit lor consumption, hay the same 
duty as fresh meat. 
2. Fresh and simply preparell meat. lree from bone (also 
tongues, but not elible entrails). is subject to à surtax ol 
10 per cent. 
Piklel and smoked hams (lore and hind hams) pay 
lhe conventional rate on menat simply Prepared. without 
a surtax. 
Per 100 kuos 
7 5 

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