— 333 —
of the
German Articles. Rate ol duty:
arill— Alarke per 100 lion
ex 110 Poultry:
killed, not prepared, enrved up or not .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 14
larded or otherwise simple Prelburecsllklkl . . . . . . .. 20
# 126 Krases and grease-like fats (hog's larch, goose grease, beaf mar-
row, and other grease-likc fäats), except olcomargariinn 10
127 Hlog's lat and goose fat, raw (not rendered nor presseth, except,
bacon and intestinal fat; also edihle greaves .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. 5
ex 162 Flour, hurned or ronsted or not, of grain, except dattt 10,20
eX 180 Wine and fresh must of grapes, sterilized or nol, in casks or tunk
waggons, os an alcoholic strangth ol not more than 14 per cent
by weigtt:t:t::::: . . . . . . . . .. 20
cx 185Fruit wine (also frui must in Drocess of lermentation) in casks. 3
198 Commoen baker's Droducc (withont the addition olegs, lard, spices,
sugar, or the like) . . . . . . . . . . . .. ·.....................· 10,20
ex 219 JArticles of food or consumption of all sorts (not including beverages)
in hermeticall seald receptacles, unless subscct as such 10
higher dutics:
#pricot sauce, without additioen of sugar or sirup, in tin
receptacles, weighing at lenst 5 kils . . . . .. 5
Dreserved tomatoes: olives, whether preserred or not in vinegar,
Ooil. or bineeee . . .. 30
ther articles ol 100d or consumption, egxccht milk and ercam.
in hermetically sealed receptacles, so sar as thex are not.
subjcct 10 higher rates ol duty as sull . . . . . 60