Full text: Reichs-Gesetzblatt. 1907. (41)

— 339 — 
of the 
German Articles. Rate of duty: 
tariff. Marks per 100 küos. 
(ex 545 to 547) Leather, half or entirely dressed, whether pre- 
Pared or not, not otherwise mentioned in the general tarift: 
545 Kf a net weight of more than 3 kilos each piece: 
entire hides or half hides, with the heads, necks, bellies, and 
hoofs unseparated; head, neck, and belly pieces and hoofs, as 
well as horse shields, without regard to the weight of the pieces 30 
Pig leather, without regard to the weight of the pieces 18 
bend leather [Kernstücke . . . . . .. 33 
Note. Leather, including bend leather, of a net weight of 
more than 3 kilos per piece, for the manufacture of driving belts. 
with permit, and under control .. . .. . .. . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 22 
e 546 f a net weight of from 1 to 3 kilos each piece: 
calf, natural color (natural brom) 25 
other caolllll. -................. 40 
(ex 555 to 556) Boots and shoes of leather of all kinds, inclu- 
ding those made from hides with the hair still on and those 
made from fish or reptile skins: 
556 with soles of materials other than woocd: 
weighing more than 1 200 grams per ba4r: . . . ... 60 
weighing more than 600 and up to 1200 grams per pair; 
boot uppers of leather of all kinds, with elastic insertions, 
without regard to weiüt . . . . . . . . .. 80 
weighing 600 grams or less per pair . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. 90 
slippers and house shoes, without regard to weigüt. 60 
I. Linings. trimmings, and ornaments of all kinds (buckles. 
bows, tassels, embroideries, laces, etc.), of other materials, 
including silk, bur not including für, do not aflect the tarif 
Tihe following are to be treated as slippers and house 
shoes: shoes which give no Support to the instep or the 
hecl, and are not in any other wayx (e. g. by lacing, buttons, 
or elastic sides), adapted for closely fitting the foot. The 
conventional duty is also applicable to slippers and house 
shoes with a heel piece, but not to those with a raised heel. 

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