Full text: Reichs-Gesetzblatt. 1907. (41)

of the 
German Articles. Kate ol duty: 
tariff Marks per 100 kilos. 
654Packing paper, dred in the pulp, glazed on one side or not 3 
655 Paper not included under other numbers of the general tariff, 
including carton paper, even ruled, made like parchment or grained: 
packing paper not included under No. 666 . . . . . .. 3 
oherll. 6 
656Colored paper, including paper coated with chalk, white lead, or 
· the like, or provided with metallic impressions; varnished paper; 
paper covered with seales of mica or glass, pounce or wool 
flocks; paper provided with painted, applied, or galvancoplastic 
metallic surfacing; also paper with gilt or silvered edges. 8 
657 Printed matter, printed by any process, so far as not ineluded in 
chapter 12 of the general tarisf: also »pieture paper«, including 
that produced by a copying process on paper and cardboard; 
also paper or cardboard colored or black edged, or ornamented 
in any way whatever: 
of one collononr. 6 
of more than one color, also with impressions or edges in 
colors, gold or other metaasss . . . . . ... 6 
ex 660 Wall- paper and wall-Paper borders of all kinds, neither gilt, 
silvered, bronzed, embossed, nor velvety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 12 
ex 694 JGrindstones and whetstones, wholly or partlyx of carborundum . . 12 
(ex 737 to 740) Hollow- glass: 
737 neither molded nor ground, polished, smoothed, cut, etched, or 
of natural colooooooooorrrr ... 3 
per 100 kilos gross 
white (or half white) transparent, with or without separate weight. 
rings of massive white (or half white) gladads . . .. 
Reichs- Gesetzbl. 1907. 62

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