Full text: Reichs-Gesetzblatt. 1907. (41)

— 351 — 
of the 
German Articles. Rate of duty: 
karisk- NMurk, per 100 kilos. 
(ex 777 to 843) Iron and iron alloys: 
782Nonmalleable cast iron, not otherwise mentioned in the general 
ex 820 
ex 821 
tariff, rough: 
more than 100 kilss 
weighing, per piece, net weight more than 40 up to 100 kllos 
40 kilos or hees 4 
Axles and parts of rallway wheels (including hubs, tires, frames 
and rims), railway wheels, sets of railway whells 
Construction pieces of malleable iron, painted or not . .. 
Bolts for fish plates and sleepers, cross- tie bars, clips, hook nails, 
insulator supports (brackets), 
Screws and rivets of more than 13 millimeters shank diameter; 
nuts and washers for screws; horseshoes, calkins, 
Railway couplings, parts of switehes and signals, rough . . . . . .. 
Railway busfers, rough........ . . . . . ..p 

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