— 353 —
of the
German Articles. Rate of duty:
tarifl. Marks per 100 kilos.
829heins (except bycicle chains) and parts thercof: "
for twminnnnggg . . . . . . . . .. 1,50
obher. 5
woreaoaoao . . .. . . . .. 15
ex 839 Springs not otherwise mentioned in the general tarist:
fine (for wigs, gloves, hats and the like), including allsprings, Doli-
shed, nickeled, lacquered, varnished, or which have undergone
any fürther process of working up other than mere grinding 20
merely gronennnnn . . . 10
(ex 869 to 880) Copper and copper alloys:
875 Wire gauze of all kinds for industrial purposes, especially for use
in the manufacture of paper, endless or in rolls or pieces, Composed
of wire, with or without insertions (Einlagen] of thread or
Jarn; drying Ulinders for printing establishments IVordruck-
walzenl, smoothed or ribbed, with or without watermark 18
ex 891 honographs, including electrical machines in combination therewith 40
ex 894Combustion and explosion motors for motor cycles, weighing, per
Piece, 40 kilos or less, net weigtt.. 75
Reichs-Gesetzbl. 1907. 63