Full text: Reichs-Gesetzblatt. 1907. (41)

— 355 — 
Ete Articles. Rate of duty: 
tarifl Marts zer 100 Kl#k 
(ex 894 continued) 
Steam engines, steam turbines, water turbines; combustion and 
exlosion motors; power (other than electromotive) machinery 
in combination with pumps (including water engines) or freezing 
machines; cranes: 
over 500 up to 1000 kilos .. .. .. . .. L 
over 1 000 up to 2 500 kilsoa . . . 7,50 
weighing. per piece, over 2 500 up to 5 000 kills .. 6 
net weight „rer 5 000 up to 50 000 kilos. 5 
rover 50 000 up to 100 000 kilos. 4,50 
over 100 000 killa . .. 3,50 
Water-Pressure engines: 
over 1 000 up to 2 500 kilooa 8 
weighing, per piece, #over 2 500 up to 5 000 kills. 6,50 
net weight * 5 000 up to 50 000 kilos. 5,50 
over 50 000 up to 100 000 kilos. 5 
Steam engines combined with hamme, blowing machines (including 
ventilating machines), or with hoisting machines: 
weighing, per piece, lover 5 000 up to 50 000 kilssos 5 
net weight over 50 000 up to 100 000 kilos. 1,50 
Other machines of the kinds specified in No. 894 of the general tariff: 
’- 1 000 up to 2 500 killo 10 
weighing, per Piece, over 2 500 up to 5 000 killo .. 8 
net weight.5 over 5 000 up to 50 000 kilos. . . . . .. 
50 000 up to 100 000 kilos. 5 
Note. Steam engines for use in shipbuilding. koferder with 
the padldle wheels and serew propellers pertaining thereto, are 
admitted duty free. 

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