Norrs 77
. 13.
knomn’ and the similar words in hoffentlich (vermutlich,
mutmaßlich) wird er morgen kommen it is to be hoped
(to be supposed) that he will come to-morrow; zweifellos
doubtless and zufällig by chance are used in the same way.
unterthänigst: an absolute superl. adverb, most sub-
missively’; such are gehorsamst most obediently'; hoch-
achtungsvollst with the highest esteem'; freundlichst
very kindly and many ethers.
wie man ihn sich nur wünschen kann, lit. as one can
but wish him to one’s self': as can be desired’'; ef. wie man
sich nur denken kann imaginable.“
selbst (lweren') . gab sich .. zu erkennen, was dis-
plaxed’ (war zu erkennen). This is an idiomatic use of
the act. inf. where the pass. is required in English. Cf.
p. 42 1. 74 der Kaiser mußte sich zufrieden geben. And
the sentence dieser Satz ist zu beweisen #this proposition is
to be proved.“ From this use of the infinitive is derived
the German gerundivre by the termination -zend; as der zu
beweisende Satz the proposition to be prored’; ein nie
zu vergessender Freund a never-to-be-forgotten friend.“
1. großes Lob bekommen heut: ct. note. p. 41. 11.
. zu verdienen suchen: supply mußt es; also in other
remarks of the king. Similar elliptical Constructions are
found for the imperatike, as stillgestanden! halt! aufgepaßt!
attention 1“
nicht so leicht: cf. note, p. 41. 11.
na: probably the same as nu (short for nun). I1t# fllls a gap
which the speaker uses to tank of what he is going to say.
Transl. here well. Cf. na-nu.
fl. komme bben so weit, zei an as well with.“
Blücher: Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher, Fürst von der
MWalstatt (17412—819). was in 1812 placed on half-Pay (zur
Disposition gestellt) at the instigation of Napolecn; from
1813—15 he was present at the battles of Lützen, Bautzen,
Hagxnau, an der Katzbach, Alöckern, and Leipzig; entered
Paris, kept his promise io Wellington at Waterloo, was
nicknamed Nlarschall Vorwäris'“ br the Russians, received
the Freedom of the Citrof London, and the degree of LL.D.
at Oxford.
Gneisenau (1760—1331): August, Graf Reithardt von Gneise--
nau, was chief On Blücher's staff (Generalstabschef, in r1813.
and conducted the pursuit of the French after the battle of
Dort von Wartenburg (1759-1830) served under I riedrich