Full text: Reichs-Gesetzblatt. 1907. (41)

— 341 — 
of the 
Rate of duty: 
Slarke per 100 kilos. 
ex 560 
Driving belts and breadths of driving belts of leather of all kinds. 
as well as of raw hicddee (without the hair), with or without 
layers of coarse textiles or ctttttttttt4t4:4:. 
Saddler's and trunkmaker’s wares, as well as other wares not se- 
Parately mentioned in the general tariff, of leather ol all kinds. 
raw hide (with or without the hair), parchment, bladder, gold- 
beater's skin, or fish or reptile skin, or entirely or Dartik covcr 
with such materials: also saddler’s and trunkmaker's wares ot 
coarse vegetahle textiles or ot the rope-maker's Wares mentioned 
under Nos. 484 or 485 of the general tariff, or wares entirelr 
#or mainly covered with such materials; all thesc so far as ther- 
arc not chargeable with higher duties b#’ reason of their com- 
bination with other materials, or do not belong to the classes of 
Paper and paper wares entirely or partl covered with leather 
included under Nos. 667 to 669 ot the general tarifk: 
Picking straps, sewing and binding laces, leather tapes for 
dividers (Florteilriemen], leather laces for Spinning and 
wearing, pickers, without regard to weight 
other articles: 
of a net weight of 2 kilos and more cach: 
harness for horses; card backs, card bends (card slikers): 
card plates for fünc rollers; slips and plates for pickers;: 
sliders (rubbing belts, travelling leather bands) 
of a net weight less than 2 kilos each article: 
harness for horses: card backs, card bends (card slivers): 
card plates for fancy rollers; slips and plates for pickers: 
sliders (rubbing belts, travelling leather band) 
other: also leather hangings without regard to weight. 
Glove leather cut out or stamped sor gloves 
India-rubber tires for wheels of vehicles; also tire covers, of textiles 
impregnated or coated with india-rubber or with an internal 
layer of india-rubber 

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