Full text: Reichs-Gesetzblatt. 1907. (41)

— 347 — 
of the 
German Articles. Rate of duty: 
aril. Marks per 100 klos. 
(ex 737 to 740) Hollow-glass, continued: 
colored or white nontransparent, or even flashed with 
colored or white nontransparent glass: 
milk, alabaster, and bone glass, white .. . . ... 10 
oher. 15 
738 With the bottoms only molded, or with the stoppers shaped or 
ornamented by grinding, molding, etc.: 
colored or white nontransparent, or even flashed with colored, 
or white nontransparent glasasass . .. ......... 15 
oheeerr..::: 12 
739molded, ground, polished, smoothed, cut, engraved, or figured 
in any other way: 
colored or white nontransparent, or even flashed with colored 
#or white nontransparent glas . . .. 15 
ohherr 12 
(er 741 to 742) Plate and shect glass, not separately men- 
tioned in the general tariff, neither ground, polished, cut, 
figured, ribbed, scolloped, curved, frosted, etched, flashed, 
cut in facets, nor Ssilvered: 
741 neither colored nor opaque: 
plate glass, cast and blown; so-cTkalled crude glass (rough cast 
Plates) more than 5 millimeters thick, ribbed or not 3 
sheet glass, including »crudes glass (ribbed or not) having 
a thickness of 5 millimeters or less, it the length and 
breadth together amount to: 
120 centimeters or lsess4 6 
por 100 kilos 
gross weight 
more than 120 and up to 200 centimetrs. 8 
more than 200 centimeterrsrsrs . . . . . . ... 10 

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