Full text: Reichs-Gesetzblatt. 1907. (41)

of the 
Kate of duty: 
Marks per 100 kilos. 
eK 926 
(ex 917. Carriages, continued) 
four- wecled, with more than four fiked Scats: 
without cer . . . . . .. 
with coer ...... ....... ............. 
I. Folding seats are not reckoned as lixed seats. The box (driver's 
seat) is not to be counted as one of the fixed seats. 
Wooden carriage bodies without the trurks shall be treated 
as wocden wares, according 10 their character, erven if they are 
littel with iron mounts; nor shall they be dutiable as passenger 
Carriages, even where the hinge-fastened Cover frames and the 
rpin footboard of the driver's seat (which is securely fasle- 
ned to the iron clasps traversing the carriage body) have 
alrealy been fixed in position, oOr where the wooden panels 
of the deoors have been covered with coarse blocks of wood, 
or with jute tissue or sheet iron in order to strengthen them 
or to keep them from splitting. 
TFour-wheeled carriages litted together in the rough pay one- 
sfourth the duty on similar carriages sinished. By carriages in 
the rough are meant those which, though provided with all 
the Darts and fittings necessary in order to enable the carriages 
to be used (springs, axles, wheels, foreframe, brake, whifsle 
trees, and parts for attaching the traces, eic.). arc neither 
colored, varnished, polished, painted, nor Corered with 
leather or upholstered (nor contain loose cushions). 
Carriage rugs, lamps, chests, and Similar articles imported. 
with carriages and intended to be litted securely to or other- 
wise connected with the same, shall be regarded as parts of 
Carriages and not charged duty separately. 
Carriages imported without trucks (chassis), motors, or wheels, 
and intended for the construction of motor Cars, shall be 
trcated as four-Wheeled carriages. and shall be dutiable according 
(0 the treaty rates under No. 917, il in a finished statc, and at 
one-lourth ol those rates if in the rouglr. 
Small arms of all kinds of common metals or of alloys of common 
cxcept militury almm... . . . ... 
per piece 
por 100 kilos 

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