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diplomatic, consular and naval representatives, agents and officers and
to the subjects and citizens of the most favoured nation.
Article III.
This convention shall be ratifted on the part of Both High Con-
tracting Parties, and the instruments of ratification shall be forwarded
to both Governments through the German Consulate at Tamatave.
This convention shall come into effect, in the Kingdom of Mada-
gascar from the date of its ratification by Her Majesty the Queen of
Madagascar, which shall take place as soon as may be within three
months from the date ot its signature, and in the German Empire from
the date of its ratification by His Majesty the German Emperor, King
of Prussia, which shall take place as soon as may be within six months
from the ratification by Her Majesty the Queen of Madagascar.
Signed and sealed in duplicate originals, drawn up in the German
and Malagasy languages with an english translation attached to each,
at Berlin, this 15th day of May, in the year 1883.
(L. S.) Count von Hatzfeldt. Ravoninahitriniarivo.
(L. S.)
Der vorstehende Vertrag ist beiderseits ratifizirt worden.
Herausgegeben im Reichsamt des Innern.
Berlin, gedruckt in der Reichsdruckerei.