Full text: Reichs-Gesetzblatt. 1907. (41)

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established a market value based upon the sale of such goods, wares, 
and merchandise in usual wholesale duamities, packed ready for shipment 
to the United States. . 
Statements provided for in section 8 of the Customs Administrative 
Act are not be required by consular officers except upon the request 
os the appraiser of the port, after entry of the goods. The Consular 
Regulations ol 1896, paragraph 674, shall be amended accordingly. 
In reappraisement cnases, the hearing shall be open and in the 
presence of the importer or his attorney, unless the Board of Appraisers 
shall certify to the Secretary of the Treasury that the public ünerest 
Will suffer thereby; ut in the latter cCase the importer shall be furnished 
with a summar) of the fucts developed at the closed hearing upon 
which the reappraisement is based. 
The practice in regard to „pesonal appenrance belore consul, 
„riginal bills „declaration of name of ship“, shall be. made uniform 
in the sense — 
1. That the personal appearance before the consular officer shall 
be demanded only in exceptional cases, where specinl reasons require 
a personal explanation. 
2. That the original bills are only to be reduested in cases where 
invoices presented to the consular officer for authentication include goods 
of various kinds that have been purchased from different manuluctureis 
at places more or less remote from the consulate and that these bills 
shall be returned after inspection by the consular oflicer. 
3. That the declaration of the name of the ship in the invoice shall 
be dispensed witli whenever the exporter at the time the invoice is 
Dresented for authentication is unnble to name the ship. 
Paragraph 678 ol such regulations, as amended March 1. 1906, 
Shall be fürther amended by striking out the words: 
„Whenever the invoice is presented to be consulated in a 
country other than the one from which the merchandise 
is being directly exported to the United States“. 
And by inserting after the first sentence the following clause: 
*AS place in which the merchandise was purchased, is to 
he considered the place where the contract was made, 
whenever this was done at the place where the exporter 
has his oftlice.

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